*280,25 Oviducts are long, noodle-like white tubes that spill out of the dissected female frog. >S(01),0,281 *281,25 The ducts carry eggs to the ovisacs, and then out the cloacal opening. >S(01),0,282 *282,25 Oviducts are part of the female frog's reproductive system. As breeding season approaches, they become swollen with eggs. >B(01),0,285 >E(01),0,283 *283,25 By pressing against the female's stomach, the male helps push out the eggs. >E(01),0,284 *284,25 The oviducts secrete a jelly substance, coating the egg mass. >E(01),0,285 *285,25 Twisty frog oviducts are totally different from human ones, and are longer. >S(01),0,286 *286,25 The human female has one small oviduct on the side of each ovary. >B(00),0,0 >E(01),0,287 *287,25 Human oviducts lead to the uterus where a baby can grow inside its mother. >E(01),0,288 *288,25 Frog eggs are fertilized and develop outside the female. Developing frogs are called tadpoles. >E(00),0,0 *1000